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škoda 2024

Catenary-Free Lajkonik Tested In Regular Service

posted on 2nd Dec 2020 13:27

On 2 December 2020, MPK Kraków has started tests of the Lajkonik tram RY825 in a catenary-free mode in regular passenger service. The tram operates on Line 18 Czerwone Maki P+R to Krowodrzy Górka, running with the pantograph lowered in the city centre.

The reason for conducting these tests in the area of I Obwodnica (1st Ring Road) is that there is a possibility that the catenary will be removed here in the future, once the battery-fitted trams will be available in sufficient numbers in the operator's fleet.

To remember is that out of 110 new Lajkonik (Tango) trams ordered by MPK Kraków, four will be equipped with a battery system that will allow them to run without the catenary for a distance of at least 3 km. The remaining Lajkoniks will be prepared for retrofitting this system in the future.

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