posted on 10th Jun 2020 11:37
On 4 June 2020 OVK (UWC) announced that it has signed a contract with Lokotrans of Yaroslavl for the supply of 50 new generation box wagons. They will be built by TikhvinSpetsMash, the delivery deadline being 1 August 2020.
The Model 11-6874 box wagons have 175 m3 bodyshell, a tare weight of 26.5 t, and can carry payloads of up to 73 t. The wagons are mounted on 25 t axle-load Model 18-9855 bogies, designed for a top service speed of 120 km/h. 19,200 mm long over couplings, the wagons are 3,240 mm wide and 4,770 mm high above rail top.
Lokotrans consistently upgrades its fleet by acquiring new generation stock. Taking into account the earlier box wagons and flat wagons for timber, the number of Tikhvin-built wagons in Lokotrans’ fleet after the new contract is executed will achieve more than 600 units.
As of the end of first quarter of 2020, the maintenance arm of the OVK railway group is represented by a chain of 81 centres and safe storage facilities for spare parts and components at the premises of car-repair depots in the 1520 space.