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škoda 2024

Tatravagónka semitrailer pocket wagons on test

posted on 1st Jul 2024 15:07

Deliveries of the first pocket wagons for the future 'rail motorway' service between València and Madrid were delayed during the spring. The first ten wagons, out of the initial batch of 20, had just arrived by rail at Hendaye when Adif engineers discovered that the lining of a tunnel between Irún and Lezo had developed cracks, and needed urgent attention.

It was not until early June, following a wait of almost three weeks, that the wagons could be moved to the logistics terminal at Madrid-Abroñigal, and also to València port, where the loading of semitrailers was to be tested by Tramesa and Transitalia.

It is anticipated that the 'rail motorway' service will start during July, operating daily, with trains loaded to a maximum of 40 semitrailers (rakes of 20 wagons). Final go-ahead will be given during the coming days by the València Port Authority, since at present a gantry crane for handling the semitrailers is being installed on the eastern quay within the port area.

While the service will be operated by both TransItalia and Tramesa, which have invested in a fleet of 55 Type T4000 pocket wagons, haulage will be provided by Medway. While 20 of the wagons are on lease from WASCOSA, Tramesa will own the remaining 35. Loading and unloading tests are currently being carried out, both at Abroñigal and in the port area at València.

Once the service is up and running, it is expected that up to 10,000 semitrailers can be moved annually. Most will have arrived by sea at València from Italy. During 2025 it is planned to extend the service from Madrid to a destination in Portugal.


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