First On Test Runs

posted on 15th Aug 2021 14:01

A total of seven two-car Class 654 dual-voltage (3 + 25 kV) units from PESA's new family have been ordered by RegioJet for operation in the Ústí nad Labem region. The first train of the batch was on display for the first time at the Bydgoszcz works on 22 July, during the presentation of the PESA 2025+ strategy.

It is formed by the cars designated 654.001 and 655.001 and on 12 August started the dynamic testing, on the Bydgoszcz - Warlubie (northeast to Bydgoszcz) line. In September it is scheduled to arrive for testing at the VUZ Velim test centre. Meantime, 654.002 will be exhibited at TRAKO (21 - 24 September 2021).

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