Sirius In Přerov

posted on 28th Nov 2022 11:35

On 26 November 2022, 665.001 arrived in Přerov. It ran there under its own power from Velim (a station linked to the VUZ test centre) and the reason for its stay was a visit to DPOV Přerov works on its wheel lathe for the wheel surface reprofilation, specifically on axles 7 + 8 and 13 + 14.

It is worth noting that this first Sirius, which arrived from China in September 2019 with Leo Express stickers, no longer bears these symbols of the operator after the contract was cancelled earlier this year. At present the Siriuses are being tested by VUZ and VÚKV on the Czech public network under the CRRC contract in order to achieve the Class 665 authorisation.

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