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Sirius again in Slovakia
Sirius again in Slovakia

On the PSO line R23 Kolín - Ústí nad Labem, the Sirius EMU has been in test operation with passengers since 5 February 2024, but now it has also appeared on the ŽSR network.

Sirius in test passenger service
Sirius in test passenger service

At the beginning of 2024, the plan mentioned last summer that the Class 665 would begin trial operation, not under the umbrella of Leo Express but RegioJet, became a reality.

First Sirius in test operation
First Sirius in test operation

The plan mentioned last year that the Class 665 EMUs will execute test operation under the RegioJet umbrella has become a reality.

Sirius In Přerov
Sirius In Přerov

On 26 November 2022, 665.001 arrived in Přerov.

Further Sirius Test On The Czech Network
Further Sirius Test On The Czech Network

After the first test runs with unit 665.002 on the Správa železnic network took place in September, 665.001 is now on the main line as well.