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After a test operation with passengerswith 665.002 from the beginning of February 2024 to the end of May 2024 on the R23 Kolín - Ústí nad Labem line and after subsequent verification of parameters by the RegioJet with further deployment of the Class 665 from the end of October, the Siriuses have become a common sight on the route between the two cities since 15 December 2024.
On 14 December 2024, HHLA Project Logistics successfully completed its first loading operation in the Port of Hamburg.
On 29 December 2024, two prototypes of the new Class CR450 high-speed trains were unveiled in Beijing.
The second exhibit of the Chinese manufacturer at InnoTrans 2024 was the ART 2.0 "tram on tyres".
The CRRC's presence as the world's largest manufacturer of rolling stock can be considered as a relatively groundbreaking moment in the history of vehicles exhibited at InnoTrans because this time the company brought two real exhibits to Berlin.
Three Laaeffrs560.4 wagons built by CRRC Shandong were recently present at the VÚKV test base in Cerhenice.
The Class 461 electro-battery shunting locomotive has received type approval for operation in Hungary and both existing prototypes have been granted an Authorisation to Place on the Market (APM).
After the unit 665.002 started testing under ETCS supervision on the Czech network at the beginning of June, the same EMU appeared again in September in Olomouc.
Liebherr Transportation Systems (China) has supplied HVAC units to CRRC Qingdao Sifang.
On 2 July 2024, a new EMU from CRRC Changchun for Srbija Voz arrived in Velim.
A test service with passengers with the Sirius 665.002, which began in February this year, finished at the end of May. Now the next phase of the...
During April two CRRC-built EMUs units arrived in Southeastern Europe for two operators in quick succession.
On the PSO line R23 Kolín - Ústí nad Labem, the Sirius EMU has been in test operation with passengers since 5 February 2024, but now it has also appeared on the ŽSR network.
At the beginning of 2024, the plan mentioned last summer that the Class 665 would begin trial operation, not under the umbrella of Leo Express but RegioJet, became a reality.
The plan mentioned last year that the Class 665 EMUs will execute test operation under the RegioJet umbrella has become a reality.