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škoda 2024

UL has produced 1,500 Sinara locomotives

posted on 4th Jul 2024 10:13

On 3 July 2024, Uralskie lokomotivy handed over to RZD the 1,500th Class 2ES6 Sinara electric freight locomotive. It will be located at the Dyoma depot in Ufa. Today Sinaras haul freight trains on the Sverdlovsk, West-Siberian, South- Urals, Oktyabrskaya and Kuibyshevskaya railways. The first 2ES6 locomotive was presented in December 2006. In 2008 the batch production started. The total mileage of the fleet since the beginning of operation is more than 1.94 billion km.

When designing 2ES6, the UL constructors used up to 80 % of technical solutions that had not been previously used in the domestic machine building industry. For the first time independent excitation of DC traction motors was successfully applied. The locomotives were also equipped with a microprocessor-based control and diagnostics system, which was later integrated in Lastochka EMUs (now Finist). The system includes ATO functions with the ability to transfer control to operators at remote stationary centres.

In 2020, an intermediate booster section was built, allowing for a 25 % increase in Sinara's traction. The three-section locomotive allows haulíng trains weighing almost 10,000 tonnes on plains and 6,300 tonnes on sections with a complex profile. There is also an option to use two booster sections, enabling hauling of trains weighing 12,500 tonnes and 7,100 tonnes, depending on the flat or mountain profile. Since 2023, a new driver‘s cab has been installed with a reinforced metal frame, which reduces the level of deformation in the event of a collision.


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