škoda 2024


filtered by: tags.tag Taurus categories.category Infrastructure

A complex mix of problems around ÖBB's and other Tauruses, ČD railjets and ETCS
A complex mix of problems around ÖBB's and other Tauruses, ČD railjets and ETCS

Many operators are facing the difficult problem of upgrading or retrofitting the ETCS OBUs (On-Board Units) to their Taurus locomotives. Moreover, the same is true for the railjet non-traction multiple units (NMUs) of ÖBB and ČD.

Vectron (Again) On Test In Austria
Vectron (Again) On Test In Austria

In the second half of August 2020, a new test programe with a Vectron took place in Austria - this time with 193 780.