
filtered by: tags.tag Lajkonik

110th Lajkonik hit Kraków's tracks
110th Lajkonik hit Kraków's tracks

Kraków's residents already have 110 Lajkonik trams at their disposal. The last 110th Lajkonik, HY722, rolled out onto the line on 9 November from the Nowa Huta depot. 

New Lajkoniks In Service
New Lajkoniks In Service

The first three new Lajkonik II trams, from a project involving the delivery of 60 trams, have already been received by MPK Kraków and can carry passengers in regular service.

The Delivery Of New Trams To Kraków Has Started
The Delivery Of New Trams To Kraków Has Started

On Monday morning, 30 May, a new low-floor tram manufactured by Stadler was delivered to Kraków.